
  • VlogWeek 2006 Day 1

    Amanda on Rocketboom.com tells me that this is VideoBlogging Week.
    Any vlogger who is worth a whit will post a blog a day for the next week.
    This is forcing me to put something up.
    Not much....but it is something.

    It is important to be worth a whit.

    Thanks for the push, Amanda.

  • Small but Proud

    Okay they're small.
    In fact, they are so tiny, you may be wondering why I have taken the time to show them to you.
    Here's why.......
    1. We have had these dwarf Mango trees for two and a half years. We have only harvested one mango, that was last year.
    2. We now have 7 of these little puppies growing on our tree.
    3. It will be a bumper crop year!
    4. Did I mention that that one mango last year was the most divine tasting mango I ever had?
    5. Hard to see the actual size? The are the size of one sweet pea!

  • New Realms

    Video sent by ellenflorida

  • Chihuly at Fairchild Gardens ....Miami

  • Lignum-vitae flower

    We planted our Lignum-vitae tree 2 weeks ago and it is already flowering!

    Daniel thinks it is amusing that he found a snake in our garden. I am not amused!

    Not at all! Snakes are okay in the zoo, in a cage, out in the jungle........they scare the jeebies out of me when they are in my garden.

  • Thanks to ML and her hot tip leading me to the Costus family....not Costa.

    This plant is a Ginger, Costus productus. It is also called the Dwarf Spiral Ginger. I aslo found it called Costus barbatus.

    The Costaceae family consists of four genera and over 150 species.  Costus are native to tropical areas of Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas.  The largest genus is Costus, with over 100 species.

    Ahhh, another mystery solved.

  • Does anyone know the name of this plant?

    The people we purchased it from called it a 'Red Bud Costa'.

     Trouble is there is no such plant as a Red Bud Costa.

    All suggestions are welcomed.

  • Ellen's 3rd Law of Life

    Life has taken some interesting turns of late.

    Here is what I know.

    If something is yours, it doesn't matter if they give it to someone else first. It doesn't matter if someone else has it. It just doesn't matter. If it belongs to you it is just a question of time ...

    If you are wondering how I know this I will give you an example. Actually I could give you many examples, but my mind cannot remember the other ones right now. I suffer from living in the moment a little too much. But, this is the one I do remember, because it happened to me this week.

    About 3 months ago, I applied for a job for which I was spectacularly qualified. I interviewed. It all looked good, until they offered the position to someone else. Okay, I was disappointed, as anyone would be. Rejection is rejection. I was also a bit confused. I thought I was the best person for the job even though I didn't know the other person applying. In any case I soon accepted the loss, and continued on as I was before. Hey, my feelers are generally accurate but they are not 100% accurate.

    I slipped back into a happy state of inertia - playing computer games by the pool, working occasionally with a training or consultation.  I will tend to obey Newton's First Law Motion with a profound adherence. This Law  states that "An object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force."

    Last week I received an unexpected  phone call. "Are you still interested in the position? The person we hired has quit."

    Well, I fudged the law a tad...but it definitely fits my existential style. I wasn't doing much before the job offer and continued in that mode until an external force moved me! I have been at the new job for a week and have been more busy than I have in the last 4 years.

    HA! If the item is yours, you will get it any which way.....it just may take more time.

    It isn't a perfect job! But then I am not a perfect person.


  •   Can anyone recognize or name this snake?

    It's not too big around....like the size of my baby finger and 15-16 inches long.

    It freaked me out anyway. Our kitten Alice was playing with it and like a good mom, I grabbed her away. And grabbed myself away.



    Clicking on the image, I believe will enlarge.





  • Student Update.

    The student with the colorful language and bullying nature has officially been put on probation by the administration of the school.

    I am in shock. I have taught at other schools and when unpleasant situations occurred it seemed the students always got away with it. I think it helped that this situation occurred online and therefore there was complete documentation of the situation.

    I feel supported by the administration.

    Beware all you uppity and insulting students.....the arm of justice is long and swift.